I‘ve never really got the work of Jean-Michel Basquiat…first saw his work in Manhattan in the late 70’s. His work was priced at $750-$900 and I thought “that’ll never sell…” So don’t trust my judgement!
I‘ve never really got the work of Jean-Michel Basquiat…first saw his work in Manhattan in the late 70’s. His work was priced at $750-$900 and I thought “that’ll never sell…” So don’t trust my judgement!
A constant reminder to return to Manhattan…❤️
Been away from my Website for a while…some Catching up to do…🎨🙏
A Large(ish) Canvas currently dominating the Studio…destined for Spain…🎨🙏
I‘m Currently Sequencing more AI Images for the Curated Show this Autumn in the US…this one is *Cappuccino Al Fresco* Concept & Parameters (c) Hawkins, 2023
An American visited Picasso in his Paris studio just after the end of World War II. “Picasso,” he asked, “how does it feel to be PICASSO, the master of the art?” The maestro said, “Give me a $100 Dollar Bill” Which he pinned to his easel and then painted over. “There,” Said Picasso, “Now that $100 Dollar Bill is worth $5000 Dollars, THAT is how it feels to be Picasso”
I’ve always been a big fan of Hitchcock…and I’ve just re-read this wonderful book…I was delighted to read this wonderful quote… “Hitchcock said that if he had become an artist rather than having gone into films, he would have been an abstract painter…or even a Sculptor, like Rodin” I KNEW I had a sub-connection with him! 😎🎨🙏
And 10 Years of them Supporting my Shocking Cappuccino Habit…Love Y’All…😎🎨🙏❤️❤️